Maruti Suzuki has opened bookings for the premium MPV Invicto. The vehicle can be booked by paying Rs 25,000 through the Nexa dealership or through the website. This will be the only model in the Maruti lineup that will be available in the most expensive and automatic mode. Maruti has announced that the vehicle will be launched on July 5. The vehicle will be manufactured at Toyota's biddy facility in Bengaluru. Maruti's model is expected to undergo a lot of changes, though it is based on the new High Cross of the Innova. The new grille with a honeycomb finish, a chrome strip that combines the headlamps, similar to the Grand Vitara. and will be in this model. On Toyota's TNGA-C design, the MPV is constructed. The Maruti version will be available without the ADAS features on the Innova HighCross. The new vehicle will be offered with 2-litre petrol and 2-litre petrol hybrid engines on the Innova High Cross. While the 183bhp hybrid version uses the ECVT gearbox, the 173bhp pet...
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