Huawei Mate 30 Pro arrives with Android without 'Google'; Tech World's Biggest Challenge Huawei, the world's second-largest phone maker behind Samsung, has launched the Mate 30, one of the best models. The company has unveiled four models - the Mate 30, the Mate 30 Pro, the Mate 30 5G and the Mate 30 Porsche Edition. They are the most powerful hardware with or without the latest smart phones. Its main attraction is a four-camera system, including a TOF camera with a circular rear. Huawei Mate 30 Operating system One of the things that lovers of technology around the world have wanted to know is whether Huawei will launch its own operating system, Harmony OS, on new phones, or use Android. You can see that Wavey has done a trick between the two. If you try to sell your phone outside China using your own OS, that could be a problem. At the same time, with Google's license, including their WhatsApp, the new decision that t...
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